Bas Karreman
- Auteur
Bas Karreman is an Associate Professor in the department of Applied Economics. His research interests are in the field organization and strategy, with a particular focus on the financial services industry and emerging markets.
Bas Karreman is an Associate Professor in the department of Applied Economics. His research interests are in the field organization and strategy, with a particular focus on the financial services industry and emerging markets.
Boeken van Bas Karreman
Bas Karreman
Gelijn Werner
Henk van Der Molen
Eveline Osseweijer
Academic Writing Skills for Economics and Business Administration
For many students writing an academic text can be challenging. However, with diligent practice, academic writing is a skill you can learn. The online writing course Academic Writing Skills for Economics and Business Administration offers students specific practice as to various academic writing skills, including the structure of an academic text, the theoretical framework, data and methodology, results as well as citing, paraphrasing and quoting, argumentation, cohesion and sentence structure, and style, grammar and punctuation.
Bas Karreman
Gelijn Werner
Henk van der Molen
Eveline Osseweijer
Henk Schmidt
Zelf leren schrijven voor economie en bedrijfskunde
Het boek beschrijft de tien programma’s, ook wel schrijf-ViBE’s genoemd, waaruit deze training bestaat. De ViBE´s behandelen verschillende aspecten van het schrijven.