The Ultimate Consultant
Powerful Techniques for the Successful Practitioner
Paperback Engels 2001 1e druk 9780787955083Samenvatting
'The Ultimate Consultant' is geschreven voor (ver)gevorderde consultants. Dit boek biedt u templates, voorbeelden, informatie en tools voor uw zaken. Dit hands-on boek bevat:
- veertig tips om uw prijzen te verhogen;
- tien technieken om nieuwe cliënten te 'springboarden';
- informatie om slapend rijk te worden met nieuwsbrieven, audio en video, commerciële en self-publishing;
- de simpelste maar meest effectieve timemanagement tool ooit;
- vijftig technieken om uw leven in balans te houden.
Met deze gids leert u hoe u de ultieme consultant wordt en uw business naar een hoger plan brengt!
Chapter 1 Acquiring Fortune 1000 Clients: Why Size Doesn't Matter
Establishing Relationships with Major Buyers: Rainmaking
Ten Techniques to Build High-Level Buyer Relationships: Making Rain
Why Size Doesn't Matter
Using the Springboard to Other Potential Clients
Ten Techniques for Springboard Marketing
The Ultimate Rules
Chapter 2 Value-Based Fees: If You're Charging by the Hour or Day, You're an Amateur
The Concept of Value-Based Fees
The Key to High Fees Is Not to Mention Fees
Thirty-Eight Ways to Increase Your Fees, Beginning Tomorrow
The Ultimate Rules
Chapter 3 Marketing and Publicity: Creating Gravitational Pull
Creating a Strong Gravitational Field
Pro Bono Work
Commercial Publishing
Position Papers
Radio and Television Interviews
Advertising and Passive Listings
Speaking Engagements
Websites and Electronic Newsletters
Word of Mouth, Referrals, and Third-Party Endorsements
Trade Association Leadership
Classroom Teaching
Alliances and Networking
The Ultimate Rules
Chapter 4 Branding and Celebrity: A Brand in the Hand Beats Feet on the Street
What Is a Brand and Why Do It?
How Do You Attain a Brand Without Pulling a Muscle?
The Fine Art of Contrarianism
Capitalizing on Your Brand
Testing and Protecting Your Brand
Obtaining Celebrity Status
Ten Ways to Promote Celebrity
The Ultimate Rules
Chapter 5 Passive Income: Making Money While You Sleep
Commercial Publishing
Audio and Video
Offsite Advice
Transitioning to Softer Landings
The Ultimate Rules
Chapter 6 Joint Ventures: When 1 + 1 = 64
Forming Partnerships with Colleagues
Forming Alliances with Larger Entities
And Now a Word from Our Sponsor
The Blight of Brokers
The Ultimate Rules
Chapter 7 International Business: The Peripatetic Consultant
Ten Reasons Why You Should Get Out of Town
Approaching and Exploiting US Multi-Nationals
Working with Foreign-Based Firms
Overseas Alliances
Ten Ways to Establish an International Presence
Protecting Yourself as an Internationalist
The Ultimate Rules
Chapter 8 Managing Time: Or How to Be at the Pool by Two in the Afternoon
Avoiding Scope Creep
Minimizing Labor-Intensive Requirements
Utilizing Client Resources
Managing Concurrent Projects
Ten Techniques to Always Squeeze in More Business
The Simplest, Most Effective Time Management Tool Ever Created
Tips for the Truly Time-Challenged
The Ultimate Rules
Chapter 9 Working with Family-Owned and Smaller Businesses: What to Do When You're Competing with the Mortgage Payments
The Large and the Small of the Small Business Market
Competing with the Rent Money
Managing the Owner's Emotions and Expectations
Special Section: Accepting Equity for Your Services
Ten Ways to Avoid the Perils of Consulting with Smaller Businesses
The Ultimate Rules
Chapter 10 Avoiding the Success Traps: Creating New Approaches and Taking Prudent Risks
Signs of the Success Trap
Using New Technologies
Creating Proprietary Models and Techniques
The Consultant as Entrepreneur
Things to Come
The Ultimate Rules
Chapter 11 Life Balance: The Ultimate Outlook
Working Less and Living More
The Future of the Business
Ultimate Rewards
The Ultimate Rules
Appendix A: Questions to Ask for Objectives, Measures, and Value
Appendix B: Components of a Sample Book Treatment
Appendix C: Sources for Media and Advertising 'Experts'
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan