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George Kohlrieser is hoogleraar leiderschap en organisatiegedrag aan imd Business School inZwitserland en voormalig succesvol gijzelingsonderhandelaar.
Meer over George KohlrieserDiscover how to boldly lead, address conflict and inspire others in your business and personal life
In the newly revised second edition of Hostage at the Table: How Leaders Can Overcome Conflict, Influence Others and Raise Performance, clinical psychologist, distinguished leadership professor, and veteran hostage negotiator George Kohlrieser comes together with his son Andrew Kohlrieser, an experienced leadership, negotiation and conflict resolution consultant, to deliver another incisive and practical discussion of how to use the proven psychological techniques used in hostage negotiations to enhance your leadership skills both professionally and personally. Step-by-step, the authors explain the seven key factors that anyone can use to remove the obstacles that stand in the way of resolving interpersonal, business and leadership issues.
● Discover proven techniques for interpersonal and business conflict management
● Become a secure base for your team, establish trust, and learn how to bond with anyone
● Explore how to identify where you are holding yourself hostage in your life and learn how to reclaim your agency and move toward a more empowered future
A fascinating and hands-on presentation of how to take the lessons drawn from tense, high-stakes hostage situations and apply them to the interpersonal and leadership problems you face every day, Hostage at the Table is a must-read resource for managers, executives, entrepreneurs, founders, and other business leaders seeking the latest research, the most engrossing real-world negotiation examples, and the most effective solutions.
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