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The Culture Map

Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures

Paperback Engels 2016 1e druk 9781610392761
BestsellerMeer dan 1000 verkocht
Verkooppositie 208Hoogste positie: 17
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Whether you work in a home office or abroad, business success in our ever more globalized and virtual world requires the skills to navigate through cultural differences and decode cultures foreign to your own. Renowned expert Erin Meyer is your guide through this subtle, sometimes treacherous terrain where people from starkly different backgrounds are expected to work harmoniously together.

When you have Americans who precede anything negative with three nice comments French, Dutch, Israelis, and Germans who get straight to the point ( your presentation was simply awful") Latin Americans and Asians who are steeped in hierarchy Scandinavians who think the best boss is just one of the crowd,the result can be, well, sometimes interesting, even funny, but often disastrous.

Even with English as a global language, it's easy to fall into cultural traps that endanger careers and sink deals when, say, a Brazilian manager tries to fathom how his Chinese suppliers really get things done, or an American team leader tries to get a handle on the intra-team dynamics between his Russian and Indian team members.

In The Culture Map , Erin Meyer provides a field-tested model for decoding how cultural differences impact international business. She combines a smart analytical framework with practical, actionable advice for succeeding in a global world.


Aantal pagina's:288
Hoofdrubriek:Algemeen management

Expertrecensies (2)

The Culture Map
Henny Portman | 23 november 2018
Looking back at my week in Tokyo with all its cultural differences, e.g. the punctuality, the group culture, the clean streets but no garbage cans, the mouth caps to protect others and yourself, Japanese people skipping a lot of words, and to understand them you need to know the context, et cetera, I think reading The culture map – Decoding how people think, lead, and get across cultures written by Erin Meyer was a good way to use my time when I flew back from Tokyo to Amsterdam.
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The Culture Map
Elly Stroo Cloeck | 11 juli 2018
Hoe vaak overkomt het je niet, een buitenlandse collega die reageert op een manier die je absoluut niet verwacht? Een slechte evaluatie van je buitenlandse baas (of klant!) terwijl je denkt dat hij heel tevreden is? Als dit jou ooit overkwam (of als je dit niet wilt meemaken) is ‘The Culture Map’ van Erin Meyer hèt boek voor jou!
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Over Erin Meyer

Erin Meyer is professor aan INSEAD, een van 's werelds meest toonaangevende internationale business schools. Haar werk richt zich op hoe 's werelds meest succesvolle mondiale leiders omgaan met de complexiteit van culturele verschillen in een multiculturele omgeving. Het leven en werken in Afrika, Europa en de Verenigde Staten inspireerde Meyer om de communicatiepatronen en bedrijfssystemen van verschillende delen van de wereld te bestuderen. Haar raamwerk stelt internationale executives in staat om hun leiderschapsvoorkeuren te pinpointen en hun methoden te vergelijken met de managementstijlen van andere culturen. Haar werk is verschenen in de Harvard Business Review, Singapore Business Times en Forbes.com.

Andere boeken door Erin Meyer


Introduction: Navigation Cultural Differences and the Wisdom of Mrs. Chen

1. Listening to the air
2. The many faces of polite
3. Why versus How
4. How much respect do you want?
5. Big D or little d
6. The Head or the Heart
7. The needle, not the knife
8. Howe late is late?

Epilogue: Putting the Culture Map to Work


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