Harold Koster is kandidaat-notaris bij Pels Rijcken & Drooglever Fortuijn te Den Haag.
Meer over de auteursEssays on Private and Business Law
A Tribute to Professor Adriaan Dorresteijn (PDF-Download)
E-book Pdf met watermerkbeveiliging Engels 2017 1e druk 9789462748101Samenvatting
Many companies today face international influences, and many more will follow suit. A scenario that was recognised early on by Prof. Adriaan Dorresteijn (Utrecht University). To honour his innovative research, teachings, and administration work, this Liber Amicorum includes capita selecta of recent business and private law publications.
These articles discuss, inter alia, the relationship between mother and daughter companies, the protection ofactors working for companies, cross-border company structures, and educational programmes about corporate law.
Over Frans Pennings
Over Catalin Rusu
Preface by the dean ix
1 Substance over Form and the European Prospectus Regime 1
Tomas Arons
2 Parent and Subsidiary: For Better or for Worse? 9
Steef Bartman
3 The Paradox of the Dutch Class Action and the Fear of a ‘Compensation Culture’ 19
Eddy Bauw
4 What’s in a Name? Names and Conceptual Frameworks for the Design of, and Approaches to, Law Programme Courses on Undertakings 29
Ernst van Bemmelen
5 Judicial Protection for Credit Institutions under the Single Supervisory Mechanism 53
Ton Duijkersloot & Rob Widdershoven
6 Kelly v. Fraser Compared to the Allocation of Risk in Agency Law in the Netherlands 71
Anka Ernes
7 Changing the Causation Requirement and Its Impact on Companies Faced with Tort Claims 83
Ivo Giesen & Rianka Rijnhout
8 Towards a European Commercial Code? 107
Ewoud Hondius
9 Yes We Can (in the Near Future); the Internationalisation of the Law of Execution and Attachment 117
Anthonie W. Jongbloed
10 Substance over Form in Various Aspects of Cross-Border Company Groups 145
Bastiaan Kemp & Mieke Olaerts
11 The Societas Europaea (SE) Revisited 163
Harold Koster
12 Who Is in Control in Public Procurement? 177
Pieter Kuypers
13 Enforcing Annulled Arbitral Awards in the Netherlands 195
Vesna Lazić
14 What Is the Difference between a Worker and an Undertaking? New Developments in EU Labour Law and Competition Law 209
Frans Pennings
15 Minority Shareholdings in the EU: Between Economics, Corporate Law, Antitrust and Merger Control 221
Catalin Rusu
16 Cross-border Conversions after Vale – the German Experience 249
Christoph Teichmann
17 Shareholders’ Fundamental Rights in Listed Companies
Some Relevant and Some Undesirable EU Initiatives 271
Erik Werlauff
Contributors 289
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan