Jaap Boonstra is hoogleraar ‘Organisatiedynamiek’ aan Esade Business School in Barcelona, hoogleraar ‘Organisatieverandering’ aan de Rotterdam School of Management, en kerndocent bij de Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur. Als onafhankelijk adviseur ondersteunt hij organisaties in hun ontwikkeling. Hij schreef meerdere boeken over organisatieverandering, organisatiecultuur en leiderschap.
Meer over Jaap BoonstraOrganizational Change as Collaborative Play
A positive view on change and innovation in organizations
Paperback Engels 2019 1e druk 9789462762701Samenvatting
A positive view on change and innovation in organizations
Change as Collaborative Play is a playful method for change management in organizations. It shows the dynamics in which professionals play a role and collaborate in preparing their organization for the future. The model offers inspiration and practical tools for those who want to contribute to the development of their organization and themselves.
Change as Collaborative Play is essential reading for professionals, leaders, (change) managers, board members, advisors and students who are involved with change in their organizations, a crucial task in the present and future of business.
'A book that will change the way we transform organizations.' - Susanna Sala – Viacom International, The Americas; Senior Vice President HR & Communication & Technology
'Change in organizations is mostly seen and experienced as a painful and threatening passage. This book offers us a new and surprising approach: change as play.' - Marie-Thérèse Claes – Consultant and coach Cross-cultural management; Professor Cross Cultural management, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Introduction 11
Changing by interaction 11
Play model for change 13
Language of change 14
Symbols and colors 16
Structure of the book 17
1 Exploring the playing field 19
Exploration of the territory 21
Multiple views 22
Understanding dynamics 27
Change dilemmas 30
Practical application 33
2 Identifying the players 37
Players and their interests 39
Utilizing play dynamics 44
Entering areas of tension 46
Change dilemmas 48
Practical application 53
3 Visualizing the play ambition 57
Perspectives for the play ambition 59
Making images of the future productive 64
Applying images of the future 66
Change dilemmas 67
Practical application 71
4 Understanding play patterns 75
Exploring organizational dynamics 77
Recognizing play patterns 80
Perceiving is generating movement 85
Change dilemmas 88
Practical application 92
5 Developing the play concept 95
Developing change 97
Considering change strategies 100
The nature of changes 106
Change dilemmas 111
Practical application 114
Intermezzo : Creating context 121
6 Elaborating the play concept 127
Prioritizing starting points 129
Combining change strategies 131
Communicating and interacting 135
Change dilemmas 140
Practical application 144
7 Organizing play division 147
Involving players 149
Play division 152
Decision-making and conflict resolution 156
Change dilemmas 159
Practical application 162
8 Introducing play formats 165
Choosing play formats 167
Using tensions 171
Managing conflicts 173
Change dilemmas 176
Practical application 182
9 Play experiences 185
Surface level and undercurrents 187
Monitoring experience 191
Meaning and value 194
Change dilemmas 197
Practical application 201
Intermezzo : Having Impact 203
10 Being a player 209
Playing together 211
Creating context 214
Having impact 217
Change dilemmas 221
Practical application 225
Epilogue 229
Sabotaging change 229
Intention, precision and intuition 234
Can we play together? 237
References 239
Register 247
About the author 253
- advisering
- algemeen management
- coaching en trainen
- communicatie en media
- economie
- financieel management
- inkoop en logistiek
- internet en social media
- it-management / ict
- juridisch
- leiderschap
- marketing
- mens en maatschappij
- non-profit
- ondernemen
- organisatiekunde
- personal finance
- personeelsmanagement
- persoonlijke effectiviteit
- projectmanagement
- psychologie
- reclame en verkoop
- strategisch management
- verandermanagement
- werk en loopbaan